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Dental Implants


Dental implants are medical devices or dental screws that are surgically implanted into the person’s jaw to replace a missing tooth. Unlike removable dentures, dental implants are more permanent and fixed. Over time, bone grows around the dental screw that helps keep it in place.

Once the implants are in place, an artificial tooth called a crown is attached to the dental screw. The look, shape and size of your crown will be customised by your dentist to match the appearance of your other teeth.

What are the processes involved in dental implants?

• Dr Henny Purba will first do an examination that involves getting scans and x-rays to know which area needs an implant.
• A quote will be provided to you so that you know how much the treatment will cost including placement of the crown. Risks associated with dental implants will also be discussed to help you make an informed decision before proceeding with the procedure.
• Once you have agreed to undergo the procedure, you will be scheduled for the dental implants which involves a minor surgery. You will be given an anaesthetic so that you will not feel any pain during the surgery.
• After a few months, once the bone has grown around the dental screw, Dr Purba will create a foundation and take a mould of your mouth in preparation for the crown.
• After a few weeks, your crown will be attached to the dental screw.

Dr Henny Purba

Dr Purba uses the tried and tested MIS Seven Internal Hex Implant which is proven to provide soft tissue preservation and growth and an array of restorative benefits.
It takes several visits to complete the entire process, but it will be worth it. With proper care, regular dental visits, and carefully following the post-implant oral hygiene instructions, implants can last 15 to 20 years.

What are the benefits of having implants?
• More aesthetically pleasing than dentures.
• It can prevent bone loss.
• It restores your chewing power.
• It prevents your face from sagging caused by the lost tooth.
• Stronger and more stable than dentures or bridges.
• It preserves the health of the surrounding gums and bone.
• Improves your health and quality of life.

Call our reception team today and book an initial consultation with Dr Henny Purba to know whether a dental implant is right for you.

For more information, you may also visit HealthDirect Australia.